Sunday, March 7, 2010

Distuingishing what octaves on sheet music for guitar?

i dont read or write guitar sheet music apparently, but i was just curious as to how one knows what octave and where on the neck a note is refering to. ex: If there was a note representing a C, how do i know what C to play? there are so many Cs all over the neck!Distuingishing what octaves on sheet music for guitar?
There is a standard for this. Middle C (on the grand clef) is fingered on the 3rd fret, 5th string.

Distuingishing what octaves on sheet music for guitar?
Well, it depends on the lead, either the singer or the melody. You play based on the sound that's leading the song. If you're playing a melody alone, then just follow the notes on the music sheet.~~ ^_^
just choose any of those C's.

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