Sunday, March 7, 2010

How do I play notes on sheet music on guitar?

How would you play the notes E,G,B,D,F or F,A,C,E?How do I play notes on sheet music on guitar?
the letters go in order a.. b...c...d etc. so starting on the top of the guitar on the thick e, open top string is e, 1st fret is f, skip a fret to g on the 3rd fret, the 5th fret is a. Because g is the last and we come back to a. That a on the 5th fret is the same as the a on the 2nd string. which goes then a on open 2nd string, b on the 1st fret 2nd string, c is 3rd fret 5th is d, notice too the next string is d as well. You can go straight down the neck a..b..c...d..e...f or you can go down to the next string on that 5th fret. That's how you tune the guitar by theat 5th fret being the same as the string underneath.

On violin it's easier because you don't skip a fret anywhere and the top string is G so the 1st fret starts out as A. then goes abc right along. On guitar you have flats and sharps in between each note, that's the space you're skipping.

If you want to know which E should I play look at the music and see how many spaces above or below it is to the other note. You're going 3 spaces (or whatever) up from the last note and that should be your E.

you should play in 1st position with your hands staying inside the 1st 5 frets and moving down to the thinner strings to get the higher notes for now not following all the way down the neck.

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