Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where can I learn to read sheet music for guitar?

i have this beatles book that has all the songs by them ever recorded, it has tabs but there is also notes and rests and whole notes. But i donno how to read sheet music, only tabs. All i need is a site that can teach me for free. Give me some pointers and other things. Thanks.Where can I learn to read sheet music for guitar?
here you go鈥?/a>Where can I learn to read sheet music for guitar?
learning to reah sheet music may be hard. there are so many things that you will have to learn for example the first three strings of the guitar are in treble clef and the last three ( EAD) are uin bass clef. (i may be wrong but i think it is that way) it is hard to read both of theese so you may want to start just reading sheet music for the G B and high E string. when u r reading bass clef know that is is the F clef because the two dots are around that note. when reading treble clef know that it is the G clef because the swirl is around the note g. here is agood site that will help you learn.鈥?/a>

good luck!
I don't know the answer but I really hope you learn to read sheet music. We have this joke ... ';Q: how do you get a guitar player to quiet down?'; ';A: put sheet music in front of him';
Try to do some research at google as well

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