Sunday, March 7, 2010

How do you know what string to play when reading sheet music for guitar?

I know the note names and everything but what string do you play? And I can't tell which frets to play on single notes either. I'm really clueless, sorry ):How do you know what string to play when reading sheet music for guitar?
try this. it might help somewhat.How do you know what string to play when reading sheet music for guitar?
So you're talking about both chords AND notes, correct? For chords, first you read from the bottom up to finger them.

Here's a VERY good site to get your question answered. It has diagrams and everything:鈥?/a>

What you want is the Standard Notation, which-if you scroll down a bit-is on the left.
HIRE A TEACHER... you are already in way over your head... if you can't figure out which string to pluck and you say you know the note names.. then you really do need to hire a teacher to help you pull it all together.

You also need to learn how to read music because I really doubt you can read music and if you ever hope to do single note picking, you have to be able to read music and you have to know your guitar.

For a start... can you play a simple do-re-me scale in 5 PLACES on the fret board? If you can't... then you need to hire a teacher.
I was really clueless myself... Had bought books... Looked up thousands of websites, and just couldn't get my ';self-taught'; career off the ground lol. I found an awesome program at and it got me going so fast. Thought I'd share since everything I had found searching the web got me nowhere.
There are notes on the music sheet that name a certain key, exp: Bb C D Eb F G A(natural) and high Bb. When you recognize on the sheet what notes to play, you should undersatnd what keys to play. =D good luck
please check these links.It really helped me.

yes i suggest you take lessons because it will help you understand a lot more things.

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