Sunday, March 7, 2010

How to read electric guitar tabs/sheet music?

I'm going to buy a guitar for me in about a month and i don't want to take classes so i want to teach myself how to play and read sheet music and in 5th grade i played the Saxophone and i could read the music but now i want to play the guitar so anyone have a idea or if you play please tell me!!!How to read electric guitar tabs/sheet music?
tabs are easy!

e--------------------- %26lt;-- first string





e---------------------- %26lt;-- 6th string

this is an example of what it would look like. see the 7 on the third string? that is telling you that you would need to have your finger on the 3rd string, on the 7th fret. you'll catch on! heres a link for more info.鈥?/a>How to read electric guitar tabs/sheet music?
Its easy, pick up beginners guitar book. There are some good one that explain everything.

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