Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is the difference between a book showing only chords and a guitar tab/ music sheet book?

I've seen books that contain only the chords for riffs and stuff and some that are the complete music sheets. What's the difference?What is the difference between a book showing only chords and a guitar tab/ music sheet book?
Chord books show just chords. Tab shows individual notesWhat is the difference between a book showing only chords and a guitar tab/ music sheet book?
Chords only will literally just show you the chord boxes and when to cahnge chord during the song.

TAB will show the individual notes as numbers across 6 lines (the strings). You put your fingers where the number says. This corresponds to the notes on the conventional musical stave which would be above the TAB. TAB however does not give note values. TAB is often very difficult to follow and in my view is detrimental to learning properly.

My advice is to learn to play by ear. Once you've sussed out the key it's usually fairly straightforward to work out the chords.

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